About Saint Charles | Directory | Faculty & Staff
Faculty & Staff

Sr. Sonia Avi, IHM
Adjunct Faculty, Theological Seminary
Seminary E-mail: sr.savi@scs.edu

Kelly Anderson
Chair and Associate Professor, Department of Sacred Scripture
Office Phone: (610) 785-6290
Seminary E-mail: kanderson@scs.edu

Patrick Brady, S.T.D., S.S.L., M.DIV.
Vice Rector, Director of Admissions
Office Phone: (610) 785-6520
Seminary E-mail: pbrady@scs.edu

Jason Buck
Dean of Men, College Seminary; Assistant Director, Apostolic Formation
Office Phone: (610) 785-6268
Seminary E-mail: jbuck@scs.edu

Kristi Bushner
Adjunct Professor, College Propaedeutic Year, Pre-Theology Propaedeutic Year, and Department of Systematic Theology
Seminary E-mail: kbushner@scs.edu

Francesco Cesareo, PhD
Adjunct Professor, Department of Humanities and Sciences
Seminary E-mail: fcesareo@scs.edu

Carmina Chapp
Dean, School of Theological Studies; Associate Professor, Department of Systematic Theology
Office Phone: 610-785-6204
Seminary E-mail: cchapp@scs.edu

Todd Chiaravalloti
Registrar & PDSO
Office Phone: (610) 785-6235
Seminary E-mail: tchiaravalloti@scs.edu

Sarah Christmyer
Adjunct Professor, College Propaedeutic Year and Pre-Theology Propaedeutic Year
Seminary E-mail: schristmyer@scs.edu

Daniel J. Crosby
Assistant Professor of Greek and Latin; Chair, Department of Humanities and Sciences
Office Phone: 610-785-6549
Seminary E-mail: dcrosby@scs.edu

Dr. Luca D'Anselmi
Assistant Professor, Departments of Humanities and Sciences & Systematic Theology
Office Phone: (610) 785-6217
Seminary E-mail: ldanselmi@scs.edu

Thomas F. Dailey, O.S.F.S.
John Cardinal Foley Chair of Homiletics & Social Communications; Project Director of the Catholic Preaching Institute; Full-Time Professor, Pastoral Theology
Office Phone: (610) 785-6267
Seminary E-mail: tdailey@scs.edu

Juan DeJesus
Interlibrary Loan Coordinator, St. Jerome Library
Office Phone: (610) 785-6277

Dr. James Despres
Associate Professor
Office Phone: (610) 785-6526
Seminary E-mail: jdespres@scs.edu

Jean Ann Discavage
Executive Administrative Assistant, College Seminary, Pre-Theology and Theological Seminary, Liturgy
Office Phone: (610) 785-6205
Seminary E-mail: jdiscavage@scs.edu

William Donaghy
Adjunct Professor, College and Pre-Theology Propaedeutic Years & Department of Systematic Theology
Seminary E-mail: bdonaghy@scs.edu

Tina Donegan
Coordinator, Information Services & Assessment
Seminary E-mail: tdonegan@scs.edu

Benjamin Ellis, CPA
Accountant, Department of Finance and Operations
Office Phone: 610-785-6580
Seminary E-mail: bellis@scs.edu

Sean P. English
Interim Director, Vocation Office for the Diocesan Priesthood
Office Phone: (610) 667-5778
Seminary E-mail: senglish@scs.edu

Sr. Elenore Ertel, IHM
Adjunct Professor, English as a Second Language (ESL) and Department of Humanities and Sciences
Seminary E-mail: eertel@scs.edu

Rev. Msgr.
Gregory J. Fairbanks
Dean, School of Diaconal Formation
Office Phone: (610) 785-6244
Seminary E-mail: gfairbanks@scs.edu

Donna Ferguson, M.Ed
Student Health Center
Office Phone: (610) 785-6226

David Fisher
Adjunct Faculty, Theological Seminary
Seminary E-mail: dfisher@scs.edu

David M. Friel, S.T.D.
Director of Liturgy; Chair and Assistant Professor of the Department of Pastoral Theology
Seminary E-mail: dfriel@scs.edu

Alessandro P. Giardini
Adjunct Professor, Systematic Theology
Seminary E-mail: agiardini@scs.edu

Gerald Dennis Gill
Adjunct Faculty, College & Pre-Theology Propaedeutic Years
Seminary E-mail: fr.dgill@archphila.org

Frank A. Giuffre
Director, Pre-Theology Propaedeutic Year and Pre-Theology; Faculty, Department of Sacred Scripture
Seminary E-mail: fgiuffre@scs.edu

Maureen Grosso
Records Retention
Seminary E-mail: mgrosso@scs.edu

Jeanne Guerin-Daley
Human Resources and Administrative Coordinator & Title IX Coordinator
Office Phone: (610) 785-6553
Seminary E-mail: jguerin-daley@scs.edu

John M. Haas, Ph.D., S.T.L., M.Div.
John Cardinal Krol Professor of Moral Theology
Office Phone: 610-785-6500
Seminary E-mail: jhaas@scs.edu

Janet Haggerty
Associate Professor, College and Pre-Theology Propaedeutic Years and Associate Professor, Systematic Theology, Theological Seminary
Office Phone: (610) 785-6203
Seminary E-mail: jhaggerty@scs.edu

Erika Harnett
Adjunct Professor of Latin and Greek, College Seminary
Seminary E-mail: eharnett@scs.edu

Andrew Heiman
Director of Spiritual Formation, College Seminary and College Propaedeutic Program
Seminary E-mail: aheiman@scs.edu

James Humble
Director, St. Jerome Library and Assessment Liaison Officer
Office Phone: (610) 785-6280
Seminary E-mail: jhumble@scs.edu

Mark J. Hunt
Adjunct Professor, Department of Sacred Scripture & Department of Systematic Theology
Seminary E-mail: mhunt@scs.edu

Jessica Iannucci
Executive Administrative Assistant to the Vice Rector
Office Phone: 610-785-6539
Seminary E-mail: jiannucci@scs.edu

Michael Kelly
Director of Spiritual Formation, Pre-Theology Propaedeutic Year and Pre-Theology
Office Phone: 610-785-6248
Seminary E-mail: mkelly@scs.edu

Nathan Knutson
Full-Time Professor, Lucille M. Francesco Chair of Sacred Music, Director of Sacred Music
Office Phone: (610) 785-6207
Seminary E-mail: nknutson@scs.edu

Melissa Kovatch
Associate Director, Vocation Office for the Diocesan Priesthood
Office Phone: (610) 667-5778
Seminary E-mail: mkovatch@scs.edu

Mark Kuhn
Adjunct Faculty, College and Pre-Theology Propaedeutic Years & Department of Humanities and Science
Seminary E-mail: mkuhn@scs.edu

Julia Lehman
Project Manager, Catholic Preaching Institute
Office Phone: 610-785-6510
Seminary E-mail: jlehman@scs.edu

Charles Lewis
Interim Director, External Affairs and Alumni Relations; Associate to the Dean, School of Diaconal Formation; Instructor, Department of Moral Theology and Department of Systematic Theology
Office Phone: 610-785-6530
Seminary E-mail: clewis@scs.edu

Rev. Msgr.
Michael K. Magee
Vice President for Academic Affairs; Full Professor of Systematic Theology and Sacred Scripture
Office Phone: (610) 785-6292
Seminary E-mail: mmagee@scs.edu

Eric Manchester
Full-Time Professor, Department of Philosophy
Office Phone: (610) 785-6548
Seminary E-mail: emanchester@scs.edu

Michelle McCann
External Affairs and Alumni Relations Coordinator, Website Publisher
Office Phone: (610) 785-6231
Seminary E-mail: mmccann@scs.edu

Keith McClain
Guest Services Coordinator, Campus Information
Office Phone: 610-785-6527
Seminary E-mail: kmcclain@scs.edu

Mark McLaughlin
Chief Finance Officer/Chief Operating Officer
Office Phone: (610) 785-6216
Seminary E-mail: mmclaughlin@scs.edu

Rev. Msgr.
Gerard C. Mesure
Director, Pastoral and Apostolic Formation and Dean of Men, Theology and Pre-Theology
Seminary E-mail: gmesure@scs.edu

Grace Murphy
Program Coordinator, Vocation Office for the Diocesan Priesthood
Seminary E-mail: gmurphy@scs.edu

Nicholas Ogle
Adjunct Faculty, School of Theological Studies
Seminary E-mail: nogle@scs.edu

James P. Olson
Adjunct Professor, Department of Pastoral Theology
Seminary E-mail: jolson@scs.edu

Rev. Msgr.
Michael Picard
Adjunct Spiritual Director
Seminary E-mail: mpicard@scs.edu

Michele Pisano
Administrative Assistant, School of Theological Studies
Office Phone: 610-785-6287
Seminary E-mail: michelepisano@scs.edu

Christopher Redcay
Director of Spiritual Formation, Theological Seminary; Instructor, Spiritual Formation
Seminary E-mail: credcay@scs.edu

Jeanne Ann Reynolds
Senior Administrative Assistant, School of Diaconal Formation
Office Phone: (610) 785-6244
Seminary E-mail: jreynolds@scs.edu

Diana Ricciuti
Executive Administrative Assistant to the Rector
Office Phone: (610) 785-6574
Seminary E-mail: dricciuti@scs.edu

Holly Riddick
Director of Finance, Office for Finance & Operations
Office Phone: 610-785-6201
Seminary E-mail: hriddick@scs.edu

Michael Rombeiro
Assistant Professor, Department of Philosophy
Office Phone: (610) 785-6213
Seminary E-mail: mrombeiro@scs.edu

James Routh LPC
Director of Counseling Services
Office Phone: 610-785-6547
Seminary E-mail: jrouth@scs.edu

Mark Searles
Director, College Propaedeutic Program
Office Phone: 610-785-6269
Seminary E-mail: msearles@scs.edu

Julissa Skoog
Adjunct Faculty, College Seminary
Seminary E-mail: jskoog@scs.edu

Dr. Steven Smith
Adjunct Faculty, School of Theological Studies
Seminary E-mail: steven.smith@logos.com

Claire Snell
Executive Administrative Assistant, Vice President for Academic Affairs
Office Phone: 610-785-6575
Seminary E-mail: csnell@scs.edu

Donna Speranza
Financial Aid Coordinator
Office Phone: 610-785-6582
Seminary E-mail: dsperanza@scs.edu

Bernard J. Taglianetti
Professor of Moral Theology
Seminary E-mail: btaglianetti@scs.edu

Thomas Viviano
Chair and Associate Professor of the Department of Moral Theology
Seminary E-mail: tviviano@scs.edu

Wesley Wallace
Director of Dining Services
Office Phone: 610-785-6221
Seminary E-mail: wwallace@scs.edu