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Discerning a Priestly Vocation

For those applicants who are discerning a possible call to the priesthood, we welcome you to this website! It can be an exciting, humbling, and sometimes fearful experience when one first hears a possible call from God to serve as His priest. The primary mission of St. Charles Borromeo Seminary is to help men to further discern and respond to this call in a healthy and prayerful environment. “Discerners for the priesthood must be in prayerful dialogue with God and with the Church in the discernment of their vocation.” (PPF6, #51)

Upon entrance to the seminary, there are no contracts signed! Men are free to enter and leave in response to hearing God’s genuine call in their lives. The formation process lasts for many years, which gives sufficient time for the individual and the Church’s discernment to mature and grow.

If you feel the call to the priesthood, please contact a Diocesan Vocation Director. Applicants must first be accepted by a Diocese or Religious Order before they are enrolled at St. Charles.

Archdiocese of Philadelphia

Men from the Archdiocese of Philadelphia can find more information at the website of the Vocation Office for the Diocesan Priesthood (  To request a seminarian application, or for more information about becoming a priest, please contact:



Rev. Sean P. English
Vocation Director
(610) 667-5778


Partner Dioceses and Religious Communities

Saint Charles Borromeo Seminary is pleased to partner with many other dioceses and religious communities.  Men from outside the Archdiocese of Philadelphia can learn more about discerning a vocation and request an application by contacting their respective Vocation Director. View a list of the partner dioceses and religious communities below.

  • Archdiocese of Philadelphia
  • Archdiocese for the Military Services, USA
  • Ukrainian Archeparchy of Philadelphia
  • Diocese of Allentown, PA
  • Diocese of Arlington, PA
  • Archdiocese of Columbo, Sri Lanka
  • Diocese of Bridgeport, CT
  • Diocese of Dalat, Vietnam
  • Diocese of Grand Island, NE
  • Diocese of Greensburg, PA
  • Diocese of Harrisburg, PA
  • Diocese of Lincoln, NE
  • Diocese of Mymensingh, Bangladesh
  • Diocese of Trenton, NJ
  • Congregation of the Mission, The Vincentians
  • Congregation of the Oratory of Saint Philip Neri
  • Order of the Canons Regular of PrĂ©montrĂ©, the Norbertines Daylesford Abbey
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