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Support the Chair

Support the Chair

Cardinal Foley Chair Funds

The mission of the John Cardinal Foley Chair of St. Charles Borromeo Seminary is to support the work of the Catholic Church in the realm of social communications by teaching seminarians and church groups, working with staff in parishes and dioceses, and engaging in dialogue with journalists and media professionals.

The Cardinal Foley Chair Endowment Fund was established to support the unique faculty position.  This fund provides salary and benefits necessary to attract and maintain a faculty member of national caliber in this position.

The Cardinal Foley Chair Program Fund was established to support the annual programming associated with the Chair.  This fund provides annual income that makes possible the extensive work done at Saint Charles Borromeo Seminary to form future priests, preachers, and ministers in the area of Homiletics and Social Communications.

Both funds associated with the Cardinal Foley Chair are administered by the Catholic Foundation of Greater Philadelphia.

Please join our efforts by clicking on the button below … and be sure to designate the fund to which you wish to donate!

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