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Francesco Chair of Sacred Music

The Lucille M. Francesco Chair of Sacred Music

Dr. Nathan J. Knutson, Director of Sacred Music 

Lucille M. Francesco Chair of Sacred Music

The endowed chair was established in 2018 by Dr. Jerry Francesco, in honor of his late wife Lucille, to honor her outstanding witness as patroness of the arts and beloved benefactor of the Seminary. 

The purpose of the Francesco Chair is to model Sacred Music as integral to the Sacred Liturgy, sharing in the Church’s vision of giving Glory to God and Sanctification to the faithful. Along with this two-fold vision, the Church gives three essential qualities of Sacred Music:  Holiness, Beauty/Goodness of Form, and Universality.

The Chair will promote Theological understanding and pastoral education with regard to Sacred Music and its use in the Church’s work of Liturgy and evangelization. Within the context of priestly formation and parish life, the Chair’s responsibilities are primarily two-fold:  liturgical and pedagogical.

The seminary boasts a daily sung schedule of Sacred Music, from modern to ancient chant and choral music. The Sacred Liturgy is celebrated in English, Spanish and Latin.

Mission Statement:

“The Mission of the Chair of Sacred Music is to Promote the Church’s longstanding vision of liturgical music as the ‘Treasure of Inestimable Value’, namely the study and practice of Gregorian chant, Sacred polyphony, the esteemed Pipe Organ. The Seminary Chair of Sacred Music also has a passion for promoting new music, as well as liturgical music of all periods, ancient to modern.” 

Ongoing Formation Activities

  • Multiple Choirs and Scholas 
  • House Music and Cantor Rehearsals
  • Afternoon of Sacred Music
  • Community Outreach
  • Concerts
  • Christmas Choir Tour

MUS 205

Principles of Church Music

MUS 322/522/922

Applied Course in Gregorian Chant

MUS 323/523/923

Organ Elective

MUS 324/524/924

Voice Elective

MUS 325/525/925

Seminary Choirs

MUS 326/526/926

Introduction to the Theology of Sacred Music

MUS 527/PTH 927

 Singing the Mass Practicum

MUS 329/529/929

Advanced Study in Gregorian Chant

Missionary Outreach of the Chair

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