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St. Jerome Library

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The Library is re-opening to the public on March 3, 2025

Over the past three decades, the Library at St. Charles Borromeo Seminary has striven to provide its students, its faculty, and the community at large with the best academic resources for study and growth in understanding of the Catholic faith. After relocating from Overbrook to our new campus in Ambler, PA, this remains our mission. With the move, the Library underwent a name change. We are now the St. Jerome Library, located in the Student Life Center.

Due to the preparations for moving our operations, the Library closed its doors to the public last spring. We are happy to announce that we are now opening our doors once again to welcome the community at large as patrons. Please note that the hours during which the public is admitted have changed. During the fall and spring semesters, when classes are in session, the Library is open to the public Mondays through Fridays from 1:00 to 4:00 pm, and also from 7:00 to 9:00 pm Mondays through Thursdays. Outside the semesters, our hours to the public are Monday through Thursday 1:00-4:00.
If you intend to visit, please call us (610-785-6274) ahead of time to make sure there haven’t been last-minute changes to our schedule. Once you arrive on campus, approach the East Portico for the entrance closest to the Library. Call the front desk so that one of us can open the door for you when you ring the doorbell. If a librarian is not available, the porter will let you in and contact the library to permit you entrance. At the front desk of the library, you will have to sign the guestbook.
For those who are new to our Library, we refer you to the Library Services page for information on memberships.
We’d like to thank our patrons for being so patient as we settled into our new home during the last few months.
We look forward to seeing you soon!
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ATTENTION: This is a notification! This is where we can update regarding campus announcements.