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Intellectual Dimension

Intellectual Dimension

Saint Charles Borromeo Seminary College comprises a four year free standing academic program offering a Bachelor of Arts degree with a major in philosophy within a broad based program of the Classical Liberal Arts.

The courses are designed to develop personal and intellectual growth while aiding the seminarian to enkindle a greater understanding of people and the world in a variety of disciplines. The academic formation is intended to prepare each seminarian for future specialization, particularly in theology. To achieve these goals, the curriculum provides an opportunity to gain insights appropriate to the initial stages of priestly formation and allows each seminarian to have the experience of integrating various methods of intellectual inquiry while making vocational commitment with discernment and reasonable certitude. The College educates a man by providing an opportunity to study subjects chosen on the basis of the seminarian’s particular vocation preparation. Additionally, its purpose is to help create an awareness of the contemporary world in which God’s saving presence is at work. 

The 36 credit hour major is embedded in a Classical Liberal Arts program made up of an additional 89 credit hours. The curriculum is broken down as follows: 27 hours in Ancient and Modern Languages (12 hours of Latin, 9 hours of Greek, 6 hours of Spanish); 18 hours of theology; 12 hours of English; 12 hours of Western Civilization, humanities, and social science; 6 hours of free electives; 5 hours of oral communications; 3 hours each of math, biology, and psychology; making for a grand total of 125 credit hours.  Included in the 125 credit hour College program are 18 hours of required electives, (3 hours of English elective, 6 hours of philosophy electives, 3 hours of social sciences, and 6 hours of free electives). Students may minor in one of three areas: English, Latin, and/or social science. If a student wishes to minor in any of these areas, he will take 6 more elective hours to fulfill requirements for a minor.

General Education Competencies For the Degree of Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy

In the area of Written and Verbal Communication (COM) the student will:

  1. Learn to convey ideas and arguments through written word.Course(s) where competency is demonstrated: ENG 101; ENG 105; ENG 205; Required English Elective
  2. Learn to convey ideas and arguments through verbal expression. Course(s) where competency is demonstrated: COM 101; COM 401
  3. Communicate effectively through written word. Course(s) where competency is demonstrated:  ENG 101: ENG 105; ENG 205; Required English Elective; THL 303
  4. Communicate effectively through verbal expression. Course(s) where competency is demonstrated: COM 101; COM 401; Required English Elective; THL 303

In the area of Critical Thinking and Solving Problems (CT) the student will:

  1. Discuss important issues and questions.Course(s) where competency is demonstrated: PHL 203; PHL 402
  2. Collect and collate information from a diversity of sources. Course(s) where competency is demonstrated: PHL 301; THL 303
  3. Measure and evaluate various lines of argumentation. Course(s) where competency is demonstrated: PHL 304; PHL 402
  4. Draw well-supported, thoughtful, solutions and conclusions. Course(s) where competency is demonstrated: PHL 203; PHL 204

In the area of Scientific and Quantitative Reasoning (SQR) the student will:

  1. Recognize categorical propositions, syllogistic argumentation, informal fallacies. Course(s) where competency is demonstrated: PHL 203
  2. Recognize the process of knowing, categories of truth, certitude, knowledge as wisdom. Course(s) where competency is demonstrated:  PHL 204
  3. Become familiar with algebraic and trigonometric formulas. Course(s) where competency is demonstrated:  MTH 101
  4. Become familiar with human anatomy, biological development, psychological development, genetics, environment, and issues of life and death. Course(s) where competency is demonstrated:  BIO 101; PSY 201

In the area of the Liberal Arts (LA), the student will:

  1. Possess knowledge of past and present Western culture, stemming from its history and literature. Course(s) where competency is demonstrated:  ENG 105; ENG 205; HIS 101; HIS 102; HUM 301
  2. Exhibit a basic working ability with Latin, Greek, and one modern language. Course(s) where competency is demonstrated:  LAT 105; LAT 106; LAT 205; LAT 206; GRK 301; GRK 305; GRK 306; SPA 401; SPA 402
  3. Appreciate western knowledge of humanities through art, music, and architecture.Course(s) where competency is demonstrated:  HUM 301
  4. Possess knowledge of the Catholic faith found in basic studies of Liturgy, Catechism, Scripture, Church History, Moral and Dogmatic Theology. Course(s) where competency is demonstrated:  THL 101; THL 103; THL 203; THL 303; THL 401; THL 402

In the area of Information Literacy and Technology (ILT), the student will:

  1. Exhibit the ability to write Turabian style research papers using Microsoft Word. Course(s) where competency is demonstrated:  INF; ENG 101; ENG 105; ENG 205; THL 303
  2. Exhibit the ability to access digital databases and online journals. Course(s) where competency is demonstrated:  INF; ENG 105; ENG 205; THL 303
  3. Display the ability to evaluate information and use it ethically and effectively. Course(s) where competency is demonstrated:  INF; PHL 402
  4. Display the ability to compare bibliography from online sources. Course(s) where competency is demonstrated:  INF

In the area of the Major, which is Philosophy (PHL), the student will:

  1. Demonstrate familiarity of the Western Tradition found among Ancient, Medieval, Early Modern, Modern and Contemporary Philosophical thinkers. Course(s) where competency is demonstrated:  PHL 101; PHL 305; PHL 405: PHL 406; Two Required Philosophy Electives
  2. Demonstrate a working knowledge of Metaphysics and Natural Theology. Course(s) where competency is demonstrated:  PHL 303; PHL 304
  3. Demonstrate a working knowledge of the Philosophy of the Human Person. Course(s) where competency is demonstrated:  PHL 401
  4. Demonstrate a working knowledge of Ethical Principles. Course(s) where competency is demonstrated:  PHL 402 


THL 101

Perspectives of Catholic Belief

SPA 401

Basic Spanish I

PRO 150A

History of Western Spirituality

PRO 151A

Spiritual Conference

PRO 152A

Topics of Human Formation


ENG 110

Rhetoric & Composition I

SPA 402

Basic Spanish II

THL 203

Introduction to Scripture

PRO 151B

Spiritual Conference

PRO 152B

Topics of Human Formation

I COLLEGE - Fall Semester

ENG 105

Great Works of Western Lit I

HIS 101

History of Western Civilization I

LAT 105

Elemenrary Latin I

ENG 111

Rhetoric & Composition II

I COLLEGE - Spring Semester

ENG 205

Great Works of Western Lit II

HIS 102

History of Western Civilization II

LAT 106

Elementary Latin II

PHL 109

Ancient Philosophy

II COLLEGE - Fall Semester

BIO 201

Human Biology

COM 210

Public Speaking

HUM 201


LAT 205

Intermediate Latin I

PHL 203


II COLLEGE - Spring Semester

LAT 206

Intermediate Latin II

MUS 205

Principles of Church Music

PHL 204


PSY 201

Introduction to Psychology 

THL 103

Celebration of the Christian Mystery

III COLLEGE - Fall Semester

GRK 301

Elementary Greek I

PHL 303


THL 304

Christian Commitment & The Moral Life

Finance and Accounting

III COLLEGE - Spring Semester

GRK 302

Elementary Greek II

PHL 304

Natural Theology

PHL 307

Medieval Philosophy

THL 303

Introductory Church History

IV COLLEGE - Fall Semester

GRK 406

Greek New Testament Readings

PHL 401

Philosophy of the Human Person

PHL 408

Modern Philosophy


Spanish III

IV COLLEGE - Spring Semester

PHL 402


PHL 409

Contemporary Philosophy


Theology of Body

COM 211

Social Communications

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