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Pursuing a Priestly Vocation

Pursuing a Priestly Vocation

The principal mission of Saint Charles Borromeo Seminary is to form future priests for service in the Church.  Discerning a call to the priesthood is carried out, not individually, but within the context of the Church.

Archdiocese of Philadelphia

Men from the Archdiocese of Philadelphia can find more information at the website of the Vocation Office for the Diocesan Priesthood (  To request a seminarian application, or for more information about becoming a priest, please contact:


Rev. Sean P. English
Vocation Director
(610) 667-5778


Partner Dioceses and Religious Communities

Saint Charles Borromeo Seminary is pleased to partner with many other dioceses and religious communities.  Men from outside the Archdiocese of Philadelphia can learn more about discerning a vocation and request an application by contacting their respective Vocation Director.

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