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What are the requirements?

The deacon is called personally and ecclesially to serve after the manner of Jesus. He is first and foremost a Christian man in his usual employment and lifestyle, trained and formed by additional study and prayer for a special ministry to the community as an ordained minister. Consideration is given to the following as to a man’s suitability for the Diaconate Formation Program:

  • Age: At least 29, and ordinarily no more than 55, at the beginning of the formation program.
  • Status: The applicant must reside within the Archdiocese of Philadelphia and possess financial security with a history of steady employment.
  • Faith: A Roman Catholic Man who has received all the Sacraments of initiation, married or single, of sound moral character, mature faith and possessing a sense of vocation to service. If the applicant is a convert to the Catholic faith, he must be fully instituted for at least five years prior to admission to the program.
  • Family: If married, the applicant must have been married for at least five years, have the expressed consent and full support of his wife, and whose children are of such an age and adjustment so as not to be unduly affected by their father’s pursuit of a life that involves special apostolic commitments. If single, the applicant enjoys a stable, settled life with a history of healthy relationships and understands and is willing to order his life toward a commitment of celibacy. 
  • Natural Gifts: Demonstrates the basic potential to develop the ministerial skills of relating to people, speaking well and being a spiritual leader
  • Spirituality: A man of prayer willing to make personal sacrifices to be a consecrated sign of God’s love for others in his vocation to serve
  • Service: The applicant must be willing and able to give the time required for study and service during his formation without detriment to his family and employment, and if ordained, is willing and able to serve the Archbishop of Philadelphia 10-12 hours each week in any pastoral assignment that may be given to him.

For more information

Deacon Michael Pascarella, Jr.
Associate to the Vicar for Clergy for Permanent Deacons

Office for Clergy – Archdiocese of Philadelphia

222 North 17th Street
10th Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19103-1299
Office: 215-587-4532
Fax:  215-587-3807


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