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Mark Kuhn

Adjunct Faculty, College and Pre-Theology Propaedeutic Years & Department of Humanities and Science

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I was born in Washington, DC but have lived in the Philadelphia archdiocese since the age of 2. My wife and I have been married for over forty years and are the proud parents of four children and now have four granddaughters. I completed my diaconate formation studies at Saint Charles Seminary and was ordained in 2015 by Archbishop Charles Chaput. In 2018, the archdiocese assigned me to serve at Saint Joseph’s Parish in Ambler, where my wife and I with with the Hispanic community. I am also a member of the Diaconate Formation Team and serve as one of the assistants to Deacon Michael Pascarella, who heads the deacon community in our archdiocese.
  • Before joining the Seminary, I worked for more than four decades at Kingsbury, Inc, where I worked in the International Sales Department. I eventually became manager of that department, travelling extensively in Europe, South America and Asia and using daily French, Spanish, Portuguese and German to deal with our international customers. During the final ten years of my career, I taught lunchtime classes of French, German and Spanish to colleagues whose jobs also took them overseas.
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