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Christopher Redcay

Director of Spiritual Formation, Theological Seminary

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Father Christopher Redcay was ordained as a priest for the Archdiocese of Philadelphia in 1989. Following Father Redcay’s graduation from Saint Charles Borromeo Seminary and priestly ordination, he began ministry as a Parochial Vicar at Holy Innocents Parish, Philadelphia (1989-1991). He has also served as Faculty at Roman Catholic High School (1991-1994); School Minister at Archbishop Carroll High School (1994-2000); Assistant Principal at Archbishop Wood High School (2000-2001); and President of Kennedy-Kenrick High School (2001-2007); Pastor of Our Lady of Ransom Parish, Philadelphia (2007-2011); and Pastor of Saint Patrick Parish, Malvern (2011-2023). Father Redcay also completed training in spiritual direction at the Institute for Priestly Formation in Omaha, Nebraska. He has been an Adjunct Spiritual Director and an Apostolate Supervisor at Saint Charles Borromeo Seminary for many years, in addition to service on the Seminary’s Admissions Board along Chaplaincies to Little Flower Catholic High School for Girls and the Philadelphia Chapter of Young Catholic Professionals.
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